Zmodo NVR ZRN-11610UVDH Release Date
Zmodo 16 Channel ZRN-11610UVDH NVR will be on exhibit at the ISC West Security Surveillance Show this coming March. Adrian Rios – President of Zmodo DirectElectronics will be attending this international trading show and will announce Zmodo Direct and Zmodo Security Inc. will be the first distributors in the USA to offer the new NVR systems at a price never before seen. Zmodo Technology Corp. will also provide peek at the new MegaPix Box Surveillance Cameras. Within the next couple monthsZmodo Direct and Zmodo Security will wholesale some of these new CCTV Surveillance Cameras. The owner of Zmodo Direct says quote “Our new cameras will make bank cameras look like they came off the shelf at Sams Club.” We will be attending the show to find out…..